Source code for

Wrapper for RoBO with GP (and MCMC)
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Sequence

import numpy
from import Space
from robo.acquisition_functions.marginalization import MarginalizationGPMCMC
from robo.models.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
from robo.models.gaussian_process_mcmc import GaussianProcessMCMC

from orion.algo.robo.base import (

[docs]class RoBO_GP(RoBO): """ Wrapper for RoBO with Gaussian processes Parameters ---------- space: ```` Optimisation space with priors for each dimension. seed: None, int or sequence of int Seed to sample initial points and candidates points. Default: 0. n_initial_points: int Number of initial points randomly sampled. If new points are requested and less than `n_initial_points` are observed, the next points will also be sampled randomly instead of being sampled from the parzen estimators. Default: ``20`` maximizer: str The optimizer for the acquisition function. Can be one of ``{"random", "scipy", "differential_evolution"}``. Defaults to 'random' acquisition_func: str Name of the acquisition function. Can be one of ``['ei', 'log_ei', 'pi', 'lcb']``. normalize_input: bool Normalize the input based on the provided bounds (zero mean and unit standard deviation). Defaults to ``True``. normalize_output: bool Normalize the output based on data (zero mean and unit standard deviation). Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__( self, space: Space, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None = 0, n_initial_points: int = 20, maximizer: MaximizerName = "random", acquisition_func: AcquisitionFnName = "log_ei", normalize_input: bool = True, normalize_output: bool = False, ): super().__init__( space=space, seed=seed, n_initial_points=n_initial_points, maximizer=maximizer, acquisition_func=acquisition_func, ) self.normalize_input = normalize_input self.normalize_output = normalize_output def build_model(self) -> OrionGaussianProcessWrapper: """Builds the model for the optimisation.""" lower, upper = build_bounds( kernel = build_kernel(lower, upper) prior = build_prior(kernel) return OrionGaussianProcessWrapper( kernel, prior=prior, rng=None, normalize_input=self.normalize_input, normalize_output=self.normalize_output, lower=lower, upper=upper, )
[docs]class RoBO_GP_MCMC(RoBO_GP): """ Wrapper for RoBO with Gaussian processes using Markov chain Monte Carlo to marginalize out hyperparameters of the Bayesian Optimization. Parameters ---------- space: ```` Optimisation space with priors for each dimension. seed: None, int or sequence of int Seed to sample initial points and candidates points. Default: 0. n_initial_points: int Number of initial points randomly sampled. If new points are requested and less than `n_initial_points` are observed, the next points will also be sampled randomly instead of being sampled from the parzen estimators. Default: ``20`` maximizer: str The optimizer for the acquisition function. Can be one of ``{"random", "scipy", "differential_evolution"}``. Defaults to 'random' acquisition_func: str Name of the acquisition function. Can be one of ``['ei', 'log_ei', 'pi', 'lcb']``. normalize_input: bool Normalize the input based on the provided bounds (zero mean and unit standard deviation). Defaults to ``True``. normalize_output: bool Normalize the output based on data (zero mean and unit standard deviation). Defaults to ``False``. chain_length: int The length of the MCMC chain. We start ``n_hypers`` walker for chain_length steps and we use the last sample in the chain as a hyperparameter sample. ``n_hypers`` is automatically inferred based on dimensionality of the search space. Defaults to 2000. burnin_steps: int The number of burnin steps before the actual MCMC sampling starts. Defaults to 2000. """ def __init__( self, space: Space, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None = 0, n_initial_points: int = 20, maximizer: MaximizerName = "random", acquisition_func: AcquisitionFnName = "log_ei", normalize_input: bool = True, normalize_output: bool = False, chain_length=2000, burnin_steps=2000, ): super().__init__( space, seed=seed, n_initial_points=n_initial_points, maximizer=maximizer, acquisition_func=acquisition_func, normalize_input=normalize_input, normalize_output=normalize_output, ) self.chain_length = chain_length self.burnin_steps = burnin_steps def build_acquisition_func(self) -> MarginalizationGPMCMC: """Build a marginalized acquisition function with MCMC.""" return MarginalizationGPMCMC(super().build_acquisition_func()) def build_model(self) -> OrionGaussianProcessMCMCWrapper: lower, upper = build_bounds( kernel = build_kernel(lower, upper) prior = build_prior(kernel) n_hypers = infer_n_hypers(kernel) return OrionGaussianProcessMCMCWrapper( kernel, prior=prior, n_hypers=n_hypers, chain_length=self.chain_length, burnin_steps=self.burnin_steps, normalize_input=self.normalize_input, normalize_output=self.normalize_output, rng=None, lower=lower, upper=upper, )
class OrionGaussianProcessWrapper(GaussianProcess, Model): """ Wrapper for RoBO's Gaussian processes model Parameters ---------- kernel : george kernel object Specifies the kernel that is used for all Gaussian Process prior : prior object Defines a prior for the hyperparameters of the GP. Make sure that it implements the Prior interface. noise : float Noise term that is added to the diagonal of the covariance matrix for the Cholesky decomposition. use_gradients : bool Use gradient information to optimize the negative log likelihood lower : numpy.array(D,) Lower bound of the input space which is used for the input space normalization upper : numpy.array(D,) Upper bound of the input space which is used for the input space normalization normalize_output : bool Zero mean unit variance normalization of the output values normalize_input : bool Normalize all inputs to be in [0, 1]. This is important to define good priors for the length scales. rng: numpy.random.RandomState Random number generator """ def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """Restore the state of the optimizer""" self.rng.set_state(state_dict["model_rng_state"]) self.prior.rng.set_state(state_dict["prior_rng_state"]) self.kernel.set_parameter_vector(state_dict["model_kernel_parameter_vector"]) self.noise = state_dict["noise"] def state_dict(self) -> dict: """Return the current state of the optimizer so that it can be restored""" return { "prior_rng_state": self.prior.rng.get_state(), "model_rng_state": self.rng.get_state(), "model_kernel_parameter_vector": self.kernel.get_parameter_vector().tolist(), "noise": self.noise, } def seed(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None: """Seed all internal RNGs""" seeds = numpy.random.RandomState(seed).randint(1, int(10e8), size=2) self.rng.seed(seeds[0]) self.prior.rng.seed(seeds[1]) class OrionGaussianProcessMCMCWrapper(GaussianProcessMCMC, Model): """ Wrapper for RoBO's Gaussian processes with MCMC model Parameters ---------- kernel : george kernel object Specifies the kernel that is used for all Gaussian Process prior : prior object Defines a prior for the hyperparameters of the GP. Make sure that it implements the Prior interface. During MCMC sampling the lnlikelihood is multiplied with the prior. n_hypers : int The number of hyperparameter samples. This also determines the number of walker for MCMC sampling as each walker will return one hyperparameter sample. chain_length : int The length of the MCMC chain. We start n_hypers walker for chain_length steps and we use the last sample in the chain as a hyperparameter sample. lower : np.array(D,) Lower bound of the input space which is used for the input space normalization upper : np.array(D,) Upper bound of the input space which is used for the input space normalization burnin_steps : int The number of burnin steps before the actual MCMC sampling starts. rng: np.random.RandomState Random number generator """ def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """Restore the state of the optimizer""" self.rng.set_state(state_dict["model_rng_state"]) self.prior.rng.set_state(state_dict["prior_rng_state"]) if state_dict.get("model_p0", None) is not None: self.p0 = numpy.array(state_dict["model_p0"]) self.burned = True elif hasattr(self, "p0"): delattr(self, "p0") self.burned = False def state_dict(self) -> dict: """Return the current state of the optimizer so that it can be restored""" s_dict = { "prior_rng_state": self.prior.rng.get_state(), "model_rng_state": self.rng.get_state(), } if hasattr(self, "p0"): s_dict["model_p0"] = self.p0.tolist() return s_dict def seed(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None: """Seed all internal RNGs""" seeds = numpy.random.RandomState(seed).randint(1, int(10e8), size=2) self.rng.seed(seeds[0]) self.prior.rng.seed(seeds[1])